Peer reviewed publications (32) - link to researchgate 32. Badak-Kerti, K.; Nemeth, S.; Zitek, A.; Firtha, F. (2018): Hyperspectral monitoring of fructose content in marzipan . Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences, 14(s1). 31. Schneider, J; Ratschan, C; Heisey, P.G.; Avalos, J. C.; Tuhtan, J. A.; Haas, C; Reckendorfer, W; Schletterer, M; Zitek; A (2017): Flussabwärts gerichtete Fischwanderung an mittelgroßen Fließgewässern in Österreich.Wasserwirtschaft: Hydrologie Wasserbau Boden Oekologie, 107(12), 39-44. 30. Draxler, J; Martinelli, E; Weinberg, AM; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Meischel, M; Stanzl-Tschegg, SE; Mingler, B; Prohaska, T; The potential of isotopically enriched magnesium to study bone implant degradation in vivo.. Acta Biomater. 2017; 51:52-536. 29. Tchaikovsky, A; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T Isotope pattern deconvolution of different sources of stable strontium isotopes in natural systems. J ANAL ATOM SPECTROM. 2017; 32(11): 2300-2307. 28. Amerstorfer, F; Fischerauer, SF; Fischer, L; Eichler, J; Draxler, J; Zitek, A; Meischel, M; Martinelli, E; Kraus, T; Hann, S; Stanzl-Tschegg, SE; Uggowitzer, PJ; Löffler, JF; Weinberg, AM; Prohaska, T; Long-term in vivo degradation behavior and near-implant distribution of resorbed elements for magnesium alloys WZ21 and ZX50.. Acta Biomater. 2016; 42:44-50. 27. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A Simultaneous multi-element and isotope ratio imaging of fish otoliths by laser ablation split stream ICP-MS/MC ICP-MS. J ANAL ATOM SPECTROM. 2016; 31(8): 1612-1621. 26. Sandak, A; Sandak, J; Bohm, K; Zitek, A; Hinterstoisser, B Near infrared spectroscopy as a tool for in-field determination of log/biomass quality index in mountain forests. J NEAR INFRARED SPEC. 2016; 24(6): 587-594. 25. Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Prohaska, T; Applications of isotopes in analytical ecogeochemistry.. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2016; 408(2):341-343. 24. Poppe, M; Böck, K; Zitek, A; Scheikl, S; Loach, A; Muhar, S (2016): Was? Wie?Warum? Jugendliche erforschen Flusslandschaften – Förderung des Systemverständnisses als Basis für gelebte Partizipation imFlussgebietsmanagement. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 68 (7-8), 342-353. 23. Sittenthaler, M; Wanek, W; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T; Parz-Gollner, R; Hackländer, K (2016): Feeding ecology of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in freshwater habitats: Preliminary results of a stable isotope approach. MAMM BIOL, 81S, 16-17; ISSN 1616-5047. 22. Draxler, J; Zitek, A; Meischel, M; Stranzl-Tschegg, SE; Mingler, B; Martinelli, E; Weinberg, AM; Prohaska, T Regionalized quantitative LA-ICP-MS imaging of the biodegradation of magnesium alloys in bone tissue. J ANAL ATOM SPECTROM. 2015; 30(12): 2459-2468. 21. Teschler-Nicola, M; Novotny, F; Spannagl-Steiner, M; Stadler, P; Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Däubl, B; Haring, E; Rumpelmayr, K; Wild, EM; The Early Mediaeval manorial estate of Gars/Thunau, Lower Austria: An enclave of endemic tuberculosis?. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2015; 95 Suppl 1:S51-S59. 20. Ihuț, A; Zitek, A; Weiss, S; Ratschan, C; Holzer, G; Kaufmann, T; Cocan, D; Constantinescu, R; Mireşan, V (2014): Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) in Central and South Eastern Europe: A review for the development of an international program for the rehabilitation and conservation of Danube salmon populations. Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 71(2), 86-101. 19. Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Cervicek, M; Horsky, M; Kletzl, M; Weismann, T; Prohaska, T Individual-specific transgenerational marking of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., using Sr-86/Sr-84 double spikes. MAR FRESHWATER RES. 2014; 65(11): 978-986. 18. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Cervicek, M., Prohaska, T. (2014) Analytical factors to be considered for the application of enriched strontium spikes to monitor biological systems. J ANAL ATOM SPECTROM. 2014; 29(1): 193-200. 17. Bredeweg, B., Liem, J., Beek, W., Linnebank, F., Gracia, J., Lozano, E., Wißner, M., Bühling, R., Salles, P., Noble, R., Zitek, A., Borisova, P. & Mioduser, D. (2013) DynaLearn - An intelligent learning environment for learning conceptual knowledge. AI Magazine, 34, 46-65. 16. Poppe, M., Zitek, A., Scheikl, S., Preis, S., Mansberger, R., Grillmayer R., Muhar, S. (2013): Erfassen von ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen in Flusslandschaften: Vermittlung von Systemwissen in Schulen als Beitrag für ein nachhaltiges Flussgebietsmanagement. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 11-12, 429-438. 15. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Kletzl, M., Weismann, T., Prohaska, T. (2013) Transgenerational marking of a freshwater fish species, Salmo trutta f.f., using an 84Sr spike" JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY, 20(4): 354-361. 14. Zitek, A., Poppe, M., Stelzhammer, M., Muhar, S., Bredeweg, B. (2013) Learning by Conceptual Modelling - Changes in Knowledge Structure and Content" IEEE Special Issue - LEARNING SYSTEMS FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 6 no. 3. 13.. Zitek, A., Poppe, M., Stelhammer, M., Muhar, S., Bredeweg, B. (2011): Evaluating the effects of a new qualitative simulation software (DynaLearn) on learning behavior, factual and causal understanding. In: G. Biswas et al. (Eds), AIED 2011, LNAI 6738, pp. 594-596. Springer, Heidelberg (2011). 12. Zitek, A., M. Sturm, H. Waidbacher and T. Prohaska (2010). Discrimination of wild and hatchery trout by natural chronological patterns of elements and isotopes in otoliths using LA-ICP-MS. JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY, 17(5): 435-445. 11. Zitek, A, Schmutz, S., Preis, S., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P. and S. Muhar (2009). Evaluating the potential of qualitative reasoning models to contribute to a sustainable catchment management, ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 4, 381-395. 10. Zitek, A., Mühlbauer, M., Schmutz, S. (2009). A low cost, flood-resistant weir for monitoring fish migration in small and medium sized rivers. JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY, 16 (5), 413-419. 9. Schmutz, S., Melcher, A., Muhar, S., Zitek, A., Poppe, M., Trautwein, C., Jungwirth, M. (2008): MIRR Model-based Instrument for River Restoration. Entwicklung eines strategischen Instruments zur integrativen Bewertung ökologischer Restaurationsmaßnahmen an Fließgewässern, MIRR Model-based Instrument for River Restoration. Developing a strategic instrument for the integrated assessment of ecological stream restoration measures. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, Volume 60, Numbers 5-6, 95-103. 8. Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Rios Caldas, A.-L., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., Zitek, A. (2008): Towards a Structured Approach to Building Qualitative Reasoning Models and Simulations. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 3 (1), 1-12. 7. Zitek, A., S. Schmutz, M. Jungwirth (2008): Assessing the efficiency of connectivity measures with regard to the EU-Water Framework Directive in a Danube-tributary system. HYDROBIOLOGIA, 609, 139-161. 6. Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Zitek, A. & Noble, R. (2008) A library of model fragments on sustainability. Proc. iEMSs 4th Biennial Meeting - Int. Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making, iEMSs 2008, 3, 1989-1991. 5. Jirsa, F., Zitek, A., Schachner, O. (2006): First record of Lamproglena pulchella Nordmann 1832 in the Pielach and Melk rivers, Austria. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, 22, 404-406. 4. Zitek, A., Schmutz, S., Ploner, A. (2004): Fish drift in a Danube sidearm-system: II. Seasonal and diurnal patterns. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, 65 (5), 1339-1357. 3. Zitek, A., Schmutz, S., Unfer, G., Ploner, A. (2004): Fish drift in a Danube sidearm-system: I. Site-, inter- and intraspecific patterns. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, 65 (5), 1319-1338. 2. Moog, O., Nesemann, H., Zitek, A., Melcher, A. (1999): Erstnachweis der Süßwassergarnele Atyaephyra desmaresti (Millet 1831) (Decapoda) in Österreich. LAUTERBORNIA, 35, 67-70, Dinkelscherben. 1. Schmutz, S., Zitek, A., Dorninger, C. (1997): A new automatic drift sampler for riverine fish. ARCHIV FUER HYDROBIOLOGIE, 139, 4, 449-460. Not peer reviewed journal contributions (8) 8. Zitek, A; Strauss-Sieberth, A; Strauss, A; Wenzel, W. (2018): STUDENTISCHER PEER REVIEW – AUSGEWÄHLTE ERFAHRUNGEN AN DER UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN. In: Verein Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria, Themenschwerpunkt: Studentisches Peer Review 2/2018, 11-13. 7. Zitek, A; Kaufmann, T (2016): Seltene Fischarten bei der Passage der Fischwanderhilfe beim Kraftwerk Melk an der Donau mittels Videomonitoring beobachtet!. Österreichs Fischerei, 69, 4, 109-113. 6. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M. and Prohaska, T. (2010): Anwendung von Strontium - Isotopensignaturen für Mobilitäts- und Migrationsstudien . Mitteilungen Gesellschaft Geologie Bergbaustudenten Österreich - Journal of Alpine Geology, 52, 147-147ff; ISSN 1563-0846. 5. Zitek, A., Prohaska, T., Irrgeher, J., Jagsch, A., Waidbacher,
H. (2009): Natürliche Isotopenmuster in Hartteilen von Fischen erlauben
die Untersuchung von Herkunft und Wanderungen - Start des ISOMARK Projektes.
Österreichs Fischerei, 62 (8/9), 214-215; ISSN 0029-9987 2. Mühlbauer, M., Traxler, E., Zitek, A., Schmutz, S. (2003): Das dynamische Fischwehr - Ein hochwassersicheres Fischwehr zur Untersuchung der Fischwanderung in kleinen bis mittelgroßen Flüssen. Österreichs Fischerei, 56, 5/6, 136-148. 1. Unfer, G., Zitek, A. (2000): Der Vertikal-Slot-Fischpaß;
eine Fischwanderhilfe für räumlich beengte Verhältnisse.
Österr. Fischerei., 53, 11/12, 332-339. Books (1) and book chapters (5) 10. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Jakubowski, N (Eds.) (2015): Sector Field Mass Spectrometry for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis. 615; Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge. 9. Zitek, A; Aléon, J; Prohaska, T (2015): CHAPTER 9: Chemical Imaging. In: Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Jakubowski, N, Sector Field Mass Spectrometry for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis, 152-182; Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge. 8. Prohaska, T; Zitek, A (2015): CHAPTER 1: Introduction. In: Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Jakubowski, N , Sector Field Mass Spectrometry for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis , 1-9; Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge 7. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher; J; Zitek, A (2015): CHAPTER 18: Outlook . In: Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Jakubowski, N (Eds.) , Sector Field Mass Spectrometry for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis, 582-589; Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge. 6. Zitek, A; Tchaikovsky, A; Irrgeher, J; Waidbacher, H; Prohaska, T (2015): The 87Sr/86Sr river water isoscape of the Danube catchment . In: ICPDR, Joint Danube Survey 3: A Comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, Chapter 33, 349-354; ICPDR, Wien. 5. Zitek, A., Kaufmann, T., Jungwirth, M. (2009): Huchen Life. In: Egger, G., Michor, K., Muhar, S., Bednar, B. (Hrsg.), Flüsse in Österreich - Lebensadern für Mensch, Natur und Wirtschaft, 288-293, Studienverlag Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen. 4. Zitek, A., Kohl, I., Mairamhof, C., Poppe, M., Muhar, S. (2007): Assessing the potential of unstructured geo-data from existing River Management Plans (RMP`s) to support the implementation of the EU-WFD using web-map services (ArcIMS/WMS). In: Strobl, J., Griesebner, G., Car, A. (Eds.), Geospatial Crossroads@GI_forum: Proceedings of the First Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg, Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg (GI_Forum), 182-193; Wichmann, Heidelberg. 3. Zitek, A., Jungwirth, M., Bauer, T., Kaufmann, T., Schmutz, S. (2006): Re-establishing connectivity in the Danube basin. In: Kroes, M. J., Gough, P., Schollema, P. P., Wanningen, H. (Eds.), From sea to source - Guidance for restoration of fish migration in European Rivers, Interreg IIIC "Community Rivers", 8-10.11.06, Groningen, NL, (http://www.hunzeenaas.nl/content/nieuws/documenten/1182_Guidancefromseatosource.pdf), 93-93. 1. Schmutz, S., Zitek, A., Zobl, S., Jungwirth, M., Knopf,
N., Kraus, E., Bauer, T. Kaufmann, T. Research Reports & Expert's Reports (63) 63. Prohaska, T; Zitek, A; Tchaikovsky, A; Opper, C; Diesner, M (2017): Endverwendungsnachweis für das Projekt SPA 05/052 – CSI:TRACE your FOOD!. BMWFW, 157. 62. Zitek, A. (2017): Wo wandert der Fisch in Wien? Innovative Methoden zur Untersuchung der Konnektivität von Fließgewässern in Wien und Wien-Umgebung . Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien, 30. 61. Zitek, A; Sandak, J (2017): Demo report for quality control, WP7 – Piloting the SLOPE demonstrator. European Commission; European Union Seventh Framework Programme; Grant agreement No 604129, Deliverable D.7.04, 25. 60. Zitek, A. & Kaufmann, T. (2016) Entwicklung eines Systems zur Videoüberwachung von Fischbewegungen an der Fischwanderhilfe beim Donaukraftwerk Melk mit ausführlichen Ergebnissen des ganzjährigen Monitorings von 27.03.2014 bis 01.04.2015. VERBUND. 59. Zitek, A; Poppe, M (2016): Konzeptuelles, kausales Modellieren mit der DynaLearn Software. LehrerInnen-Handbuch. Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, 54. 58. Poppe, M; Böck, K; Loach, A; Scheikl, S; Zitek, A; Muhar, S (2016): Traisen. WasWieWarum? Identifizierung und Wahrnehmung von Funktionen in Flusslandschaften und Verstehen einzugsgebietsbezogener Prozesse am Beispiel der Traisen . Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, 183. 57. FAO (2016): Report of the FAO/TCF workshop on advanced methods for the analysis of hard structures of fish to assess fish migration and feeding behaviour in view of improved management. Emt Camp, Bulgan Province, Mongolia, 7–13 October 2015. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No.1155. Rome, Italy . Finanziert von: FAO, 37. 56. Prohaska, T; Draxler, J; Zitek, A (2015): Chemical Imaging of the Elemental Distribution in Tissue Thin Sections of Porcine and Rabbit Vascular Explants. Final report V10.3 . Finanziert von: Biotronik, 63. 55. Poppe, M, Böck, K, Loach, A, Scheikl, S, Zitek, A, Muhar, S (2015): Traisen.w³. Identifizierung und Wahrnehmung von Funktionen in Flusslandschaften und Verstehen einzugsgebietsbezogener Prozesse am Beispiel der Traisen. Zwischenbericht. Finanziert von: Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, 43. 54. FAO (2015): Report of the FAO/TCF workshop on fish passage design at cross-river obstacles - experiences from different countries, with potential relevance to Mongolia. Selenge Resort, Mongolia, 7-12 April 2014. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No.1112. Rome. FAO. Finanziert von: FAO, 54. 53. Sinn, G; Böhm, K; Zitek, A; Lichtenegger, H; Hinterstoisser, B (2015): Haftung von Teig an Backplatten. Finanziert von: CFT Haas Convenience Food Equipment GmbH, 22. 52. Zitek, A; Böhm, K; Firtha, F; Hinterstoisser, B (2015): Establishing hyperspectral measurement protocol, WP4 – Multi-sensor model-based quality of mountain forest production Task 4.3 – Evaluation of hyperspectral imaging (HI) for the determination of log/biomass HI quality index. European Commission; European Union Seventh Framework Programme; Grant agreement No 604129, Deliverable D.4.04, 36. 51. Zitek, A; Marmulla, G (2015): Minimum mandatory technical criteria for the design of a fish pass at Isola Serafini. Finanziert von: World Sturgeon Conservation Society, 8. 50. Muhar, S; Poppe, M; Preis, S; Scheikl, S; Zitek A; Loach, A; Mansberger R; Grillmayer R (2014): FlussAu:WOW! Erfassen und Verstehen von Prozessen in Flusslandschaften mittels innovativer Geodaten . Finanziert von: Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, 119. 49. Zitek, A., Draxler, J., Prohaska, T. (2014): GIS Dokumentation zur Pilotstudie: Massenspektrometrisches Imaging von Elementverteilungen in Gewebeschnitten von kardiovaskulären Explantaten Studie ACL 1084-043 . Finanziert von: BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG, 6. 48. Zitek, A., Draxler, J., Prohaska, T. (2014): GIS Dokumentation zur Pilotstudie (Teil 2): Evaluierung von Elementverteilungen in Gewebeschnitten von kardiovaskulären Explantaten der Studie ACL 1084-043 in verschiedenen Schnittdicken (PMMA und Kryo Schnitte). Finanziert von: BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG , 6. 47. Draxler, J., Zitek, A., Prohaska, T. (2014): Pilotstudie (Teil 2): Evaluierung von Elementverteilungen in Gewebeschnitten von kardiovaskulären Explantaten der Studie ACL 1084‐043 in verschiedenen Schnittdicken PMMA und Kryo Schnitte). BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG, 23 46. FAO & SEAFDEC (2013): Report on the Workshop on Principles of Improved Fish Passage at Cross-River Obstacles, with relevance to Southeast Asia (Full Report with Power Point Presentation). Khon Kaen, Thailand, 17–20 March 2013. FAO, 181. 45. Prohaska, T., Draxler, J., Zitek, A. (2013): Pilotstudie: Massenspektrometrisches Imaging von Elementverteilungen in Gewebeschnitten von kardiovaskulären Explantaten: Studie ACL 1084-043. Finanziert von: BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG, 45. 44. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2013): Transdisziplinäre Forschung ‐ Grundlagen zum Verständnis der Analytischen Ökogeochemie als transdisziplinäre Forschungsrichtung. 43. Zitek, A., Eberstaller, J. (2013): Scientific assessment of fish migration through a VORTEX turbine at the hydropower plant “Zotlöterer”, Obergrafendorf, Pielach, AT. p2managers, 29. 42. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2013): Herkunftsbestimmung von Eismeersaiblingen anhand des 87Sr/86Sr Verhältnisses im Otolithenkern mittels Laser Abtragungs-Multi Kollektor-Induktiv Gekoppelter Plasma Massenspektrometrie: Eier aus Schweden oder Island? . Daniel Braunsteiner (Die Fischbauern), 6. 41. Zitek, A. (2013): Altersbestimmung von Aalen aus dem Eglsee, Ausrinn des Seeoner Sees anhand von geschliffenen Otolithen. Finanziert von: Fischereiverein an den Seeoner Seen, 6. 40. Bredeweg, B., Beek, W., Borisova, P., Corcho, O., Gracia, J., Leiba, M., Liem, J., Mioduser, D., Noble, R., Salles, P., Wißner, M., Zitek, A. (2012): Final project report. DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D1.4. EU, 53. 39. Mioduser, D., Zuzovsky, R., Salles, P., Souza, A., Portella, A., Braga, E., Wilhelms, L., Pereira Resende, M., Morison, G., Assumpção da Costa e Silva, P., Gontijo de Sá, I., Pires, L., Simões, A., Noble, R., Cowx, I., Borisova, P., Liem, J., Uzunov, Y., Zurel, D., Leiba, M., Benayahu, H., Nachmias, R., Ram J., Zitek, A., Poppe, M. & Stelzhammer, M. (2012): Final report on DynaLearn evaluation studies.DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D7.4. . EU, 100 [Fulltext] 38. Salles, S., Bredeweg, B., Corcho, O., Zitek, A. (2012): Second DynaLearn workshop. DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable 8.3.2. EU, 20 Salles, S., Souza, A., Noble, R., Zitek, A., Borisova, P., Leiba, M. & Bredeweg, B. (2012): DynaLearn curriculum for environmental science. DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D6.5.. EU, 120. 37. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2012): Herkunftskontrolle von Fischen aus Aquakultur mittels Element- und Isotopenanalytik: Eine Pilot-Studie zur Verwendung der zeitaufgelösten Analyse der Otolithen(Gehörstein)-Chemie mittels Laser-Ablations-Induktiv-Gekoppelter-Plasma-Massenspektrometrie (LA-ICPMS) für die Herkunftskontrolle bei Fischen aus den Alpenlachs®- Zuchten Grundlsee, Xeis und Taxacher . Alpenlachs Soravia GmbH, 21. 36. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2012): Herkunftskontrolle von Fischen aus Aquakultur mittels Element- und Isotopenanalytik - Kurzzusammenfassung einer Pilot-Studie zur Verwendung der zeitaufgelösten Analyse der Otolithen(Gehörstein)-Chemie mittels Laser-Ablations-Induktiv-Gekoppelter-Plasma-Massenspektrometrie für die Herkunftskontrolle bei Fischen aus ausgewählten Alpenlachs®-Zuchten. Alpenlachs Soravia GmbH, 5. 35. Zitek, A., Poppe, M., Stelzhammer, M., Schuller, V. (2012): BOKU evaluation of DynaLearn final software. EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D7.3.5. EU, 101. 34. Melcher AH, H Kremser, A Zitek, C Wolter, T Schulze, S Muhar, S Schmutz (2011): Meta-analyses of restoration projects to improve riverine fish populations. In: University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), WISER Deliverable D5.1-2: Driver-Pressure-Impact and Response-Recovery chains in European rivers: observed and predicted effects on BQEs. D5.1-2, 227; Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013). 33. Zitek, A., Kaufmann, T. (2011): VIDEOMONITORING: Ergebnisse der Pilotstudie an der FWH KW Melk (Endbericht). Freiwasser & Verbund, 29 . 32. AG-FAH (2011): Grundlagen für einen österreichischen Leitfaden zum Bau von Fischaufstiegshilfen (FAHs). Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien, 87. 31. Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T., Zitek, A. (2011): Erste Vorergebnisse zur Mikrochemie von Saiblings-Otolithen unbekannter Herkunft aus Aquakultur. Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Department für Chemie, Abteilung für Analytische Chemie, VIRIS Labor, Konrad-Lorenzstraße 24, 3430 Tulln, 4. 30. Irrgeher, J., Theiner, S., Prohaska, T., Zitek, A. (2011): Microchemical analysis of 48 water samples from 16 sites at Bavarian lakes and river sections. Applied and Trophic Ecology Laboratory, University of Innsbruck, 21. 29. Jäger, P., Finster, M., Schrempf, R., Unterweger, A. & Zitek, A. (2011): Sondermessprogramm Restwasser und Schwall. Auswirkungen der hydraulischen Belastungen auf Hydromorphologie, Makrozoobenthos und Fische in Salzburger Fließgewässern. Reihe Gewässerschutz, 17. Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung. Land Salzburg, 436 S. inkl. Anhang. 28. Mioduser, D., Zuzovsky, R. (eds.), Salles, P., Souza, A., Portella, A., Braga, E., Wilhelms, L., Pereira Resende, M., Morison, G., Assumpção da Costa e Silva, P., Gontijo de Sá, I., Pires, L., Simões, A., Noble, R., Borisova, P., Uzunov, Y., Zurel, D., Leiba, M., Benayahu, H., Nachmias, R., Ram, J., Zitek, A., Poppe, M. and Stelzhammer, M. (2011). Evaluation of DynaLearn – first phase insights. DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D7.2.6., EU, 56. 25. Zitek, A. (2010): Entwicklung eines Konzepts für
eine wissenschaftliche Studie zur Erfassung des Verhaltens von Fischen
im Bereich von HYDROMATRIX Turbinen bei der Flussabwärtswanderung
in Chievo, Etsch (Italien), 47. 22. Gómez-Pérez, J.M., Salles, P., Wissner, M., Mioduser,
D., Bredeweg, B., Noble, R., Uzunov, Y., Zitek, A. and consortium members
(2009): Dissemination and Communication Plan. DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP
project 231526, Deliverable D8.1. EU, 36. 19. Hohensinner, S., Weiß, M., Trautwein, C., Haidvogl, G., Melcher, A., Zitek, A., Schmutz, S. (2008): Fallstudie Traisen - AP 6. MIRR – Model-based Instrument for River Restoration. Entwicklung eines strategischen Instruments zur integrativen Bewertung ökologischer Restaurationsmaßnahmen an Fließgewässern.. Lebensministerium (BMLFUW), Amt der NÖ. Landesregierung, 165 + 8 Karten. 18. Kaufmann, T., Zitek, A., Pock, G. (2008): VIDEOMONITORING - Vorstudie: Über die Einsatzmöglichkeit einer Videoüberwachung der Fischbewegungen in der Fischwanderhilfe beim Donaukraftwerk Melk. Freiwasser & Verbund, 30. 16. Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bertels, D., Rafalowicz, J., Bouwer, A., Liem,J., Feltrini, G. M., Rios Caldas, A. L., Pereira Resende, M. M., Zitek, A., Nuttle, T. (2007): Training Report on using QR for learning about Sustainable Development, Deliverable 7.2 . EU, 128. 15. Schmutz, S., Melcher, A., Muhar, S., Zitek, A., Poppe, M., Trautwein, C., Jungwirth, M. (2007): MIRR-Model-based instrument for River Restoration. Entwicklung eines strategischen Instruments zur integrativen Bewertung ökologischer Restaurationsmaßnahmen an Fließgewässern. Studie im Auftrag von Lebensministerium und Land Niederösterreich. BMLFUW und Land Niederösterreich, 130. 14. Zitek, A., Haidvogl, G., Jungwirth, M., Pavlas, P., Schmutz, S. (2007): Ein strategischer Leitfaden zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit von Fließgewässern für die Fischfauna in Österreich. Endbericht AP 5 des MIRR-Projektes - Schwerpunkt Kontinuumsunterbrechungen. BMLFUW und Land NÖ, 139. 13. Zitek, A., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Schmutz, S., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P. (2007): QR models and documentation for learning about sustainable development, focusing on basic ecological and socio-economic features for an integrative and sustainable development of the riverine landscape of the Kamp valley. Deliverable 6.6.2. EU, 76. 12. Zitek, A., Salles P. (2007): Evaluation of QR models for learning about sustainable development, focusing on basic ecological and socio-economic features for an integrative and sustainable development of the riverine landscape of the Kamp valley. Milestone M7.2.1 . EU, 19. 11. Kaufmann, T., Zitek, A. (2006): Visuelles Monitoring der Fischwanderung an der Spielberger Wehr, Pielach, NÖ. NÖ Landesfischereiverband und NÖ Landschaftsfonds, 18. 10. Poppe, M., Zitek, A. (2006): Dokumentation der Datengrundlagen, Datenerhebung, -eingabe und der durchgeführten Analysen, Endbericht AP 1b des MIRR Projektes: Datenrecherche Eingriffsdaten Niederösterreich mittels GIS. BMLFUW und Land NÖ. 9. Zitek, A. (2006): Potential criteria for modelling fish/pressure relationships in running waters - a literature review (Literaturstudie MIRR-Projekt), 196 pp. BMLFUW und Land NÖ. 8. Zitek, A. (2006): Textual description of the river Kamp case study focusing on basic ecological and socio-economic features for an integrative and sustainable development of the riverine landscape as a basis for the development of QR (Qualitative Reasoning) models with GARP3, Deliverable D6.6.1. EU, 31. 7. Zitek, A., Schreyer, N. (2005): Fischökologisches Monitoring der Fischwanderhilfe (FWH) an der Herrschaftswehr, Raabs a. d. Thaya im Rahmen des Projektes "Fischwanderhilfen Prototypen Thaya". Niederösterreichische Landesregierung, Gruppe Wasser. 6. Zitek, A. (2004): Evaluierung flussbaulich ökologischer Maßnahmen an der Schwarzach (Gemeinde St. Veit/Bereich Feld-Tönig). Zwischenbericht, Ist-Zustandserhebung, Fachbereich Aquatik/Fischfauna. Studie im Auftrag des Amts der Tiroler Landesregierung, BBA Reutte, Abteilung Wasserwirtschaft; Bundesministeriums für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft. 5. Zitek, A., Schmutz, S., Jungwirth, M. (2004): Fischökologisches Monitoring zum EU-LIFE Projekt Lebensraum Huchen - Endbericht. Studie im Auftrag des Amtes der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung; Gruppe Raumordnung und Umwelt, Abteilung Naturschutz; Gruppe Wasser, Abteilung Wasserbau, St. Pölten. 4. Zitek, A., Unfer, G., Wiesner, C., Fleischanderl, D., Muhar, S. (2004): Monitoring ökologisch orientierter Hochwasserschutzmaßnahmen an der Sulm/Stmk., Arbeitspaket: Lebensraum & Fischfauna. Studie im Auftrag des Amts der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, Graz und des BM für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien. 3. Zitek, A., Schmutz, S., Fleischanderl, D. (2003): Evaluierung flussbaulich-ökologischer Maßnahmen an Lech und Vils im Rahmen des Life Natur-Projektes "Wildflusslandschaft Tiroler Lech".. Zwischenbericht: Ist-Zustands-Aufnahmen Lech und Lech-Zubringer, Fachbereich Fischökologie. Studie im Auftrag des Amts der Tiroler Landesregierung, BBA Reutte, Abteilung Wasserwirtschaft und des Bundesministeriums für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft. 2. Muhar, S., Aigner, S., Angermann, K., Egger, G., Fleischanderl, D., Krassnitzer, S., Preis, S., Zitek, A. (2002): Evaluierung flussbaulich-ökologischer Maßnahmen an Lech und Vils im Rahmen des Life Natur-Projektes "Wildflusslandschaft Tiroler Lech". 1. Zwischenbericht. Ist-Zustands-Aufnahme der Zubringer Schwarzwasserbach und Hornbach.. Studie im Auftrag des Amts der Tiroler Landesregierung, BBA Reutte, Abteilung Wasserwirtschaft; Bundesministeriums für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft. 1. Zitek, A., Jungwirth, M., Schmutz, S. (2001): Fischökologische
IST-Bestandsaufnahme an Pielach, Melk und Mank im Rahmen des EU-LIFE-Projektes
"Lebensraum Huchen". Studie im Auftrag der Niederösterreichischen
Landesregierung, 270 pp. Conference & Workshop proceedings, papers, abstracts (172 abstracts & 11 conference papers) 183. Determination of origin and authenticity of fish by elemental and Sr – isotopic fingerprints (2018): Zitek, A; Diesner, M; Tchaikovsky, A; Opper, C; van den Oever, S; Zanella, C; Knezevic, S; Schwendinger, S; Madl, E; Laure, V; Prohaska; T. 2nd International MoniQA Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management, Vösendorf, Wien, JUN 7-8, 2018. In: Wageningen Academic Publishing, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods: 10 (Supplement 1) - Pages: S1 - S27. 182. Sandak, A; Sandak, J; Zitek, A; Hinterstoisser, B (2018): Industry 4.0 in forestry – NIR spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging input. VIII Simposio Italiano di Spettroscopia NIR (NIRITALIA 2018), Genova, MAI 30-31, 2018. In: SISNIR Società Italiana di Spettroscopia NIR, Book of Abstracts. 181. Tchaikovsky, A; Zitek, A; Boner, M; Prohaska, T (2018): Authenticity and origin of sturgeon caviar - towards an European database for caviar traceability . 2nd International MoniQA Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management , Vösendorf, Wien, JUN 7-8, 2018. In: Wageningen Academic Publishing, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods: 10 (Supplement 1) - Pages: S1 - S27 , https://doi.org/10.3920/qas2018.s1. 180. Zitek, A; Diesner, M; Tchaikovsky, A; Opper, C; Prohaska, T (2018): IsoPROTECT - Towards a terrestrial and aquatic physicochemical landscape of Austria for testing the provenance of food by citizen involvement. 2nd International MoniQA Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management, Vösendorf, Vienna, JUN 7-8, 2018 In: Wageningen Academic Publishing, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods: 10 (Supplement 1) - Pages: S1 - S27. 179. Zitek, A; Strauss-Sieberth, A; Ruffeis, D. (2018): Online-Teaching of Creative Writing of Scientific Publications and Project Proposals Using Google Apps. New Perspectives in Science Education - Edition 7, Florenz, MAR 22-23, 2018. In: LibreriaUniversitaria Edizioni, New Perspectives in Science Education, Conference Proceedings 2018; ISBN: 2420-9732. 178. Zitek, A; Tchaikovsky, A; Opper, C; Diesner, M; Prohaska, T (2018): CSI: TRACE your FOOD! / IsoPROTECT, Lernatelier - Future Classroom Lab. Bildung Online 2018, Hall in Tirol, Austria, May 23-25, 2018. In: Bildung Online, Online Abstract. 177. Irrgeher, J., Dutschke, F., Reese, A., Retzmann, A., Zimmermann, T., Prohaska, T., Wieser, M. E., Zitek, A., Proefrock, D. (2017): Multi-isotope tracers to investigate processes in river catchment systems: Selected application examples using B, Mo, Sr, Pb, and Ti isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS. EWCPS2017, St. Antona, 19.-24. Fabruary. In: Univerisity of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Book of Abstracts. 176. Irrgeher, J., Dutschke, F., Reese, A., Retzmann, A., Zimmermann, T., Prohaska, T., Wieser, M. E., Zitek, A., Proefrock, D. (2017): Multi-isotope tracers to investigate processes in the Elbe, Weser and Ems river catchment using B, Mo, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS. EGU, Vienna, 23.-28. April 2017. In: EGU, Book of Abstracts. 175. Retzmann, A., Blanz, M., Irrgeher, I., Zitek, A., Feldmann, J., Prohaska, T. (2017): Spectral Insights: Multi-dimensional approach to evaluate the diagenetic status of skeletal remains with respect to strontium isotope ratio measurements. EWCPS2017, St. Anton, 19.-24. February 2017. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Book of Abstracts. 174. Retzmann, A., Blanz, M., Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Feldmann, J. Prohaska, T. (2017): Spectral insights: multi-dimensional approach to evaluate the diagenetic status of skeletal remains for Sr isotope analysis. 13th ASAC JunganalytikerInnen-Forum, Vienna, 12.-13. May 2017. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Book of Abstracts. 173. Tchaikovsky, A; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T (2017): Analytical challenges of origin determination of processed authentic food on the example of sturgeon caviar and aquacultured fish. 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2017) , Prag, NOV 7-10, 2017. In: University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Book of Abstracts. 172. Tchaikovsky, A; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Opper, C; Scheiber, R; Prohaska, T (2017): Tracing the origin of the "black gold": Elemental and isotopic pattern of sturgeon caviar and the influence of water, feeding and processing . EWCPS2017, St. Anton, FEB 19-24, 2017. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Book of Abstracts. 171. Zannella, C; Adamo, P; Opper, C; Schwendinger, S; Knezevic, S; Van den Oever, S; Tchaikovsky, A; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T (2017): Isotopic and elemental analysis of fish tissues for provenance determination. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, APR 23–28, 2017. In: EGU General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts , Vol. 19, EGU2017-14948, 2017. 170. Zitek, A. (2017): Hyperspectral Imaging as Tool for Precision Agriculture under Changing Climate Conditions and to Study the Quality of Feed and Food along the Whole Production Chain. Austrian-Taiwan Joint Seminar, Taipeh, DEC 13-17, 2017. In: National Taiwan University, Book of Abstracts. 169. Zitek, A.; Prowatke, I. (2017): CSI: TRACE your FOOD! / IsoPROTECT: Herkunftsnachweis von Lebensmitteln (im Muster-Klassenzimmer der Zukunft). Interpädagogica [west], Salzburg, NOV 23-25, 2017. In: Interpädagogica, Online-Text. 168. Zitek, A; Tchaikovsky, A; Bakhshalizadeh, S; Irrgeher, A; Opper C; Congiu, L; Boner, M; Prohaska, T (2017): Using modern analytical ecogeochemical methods to study and protect sturgeon populations. ISS8 - 8th International Symposium on Sturgeons , Vienna, SEP 10th - 16, 2017. In: BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Abstracts on USB stick. 167. Zitek, A; Tchaikovsky, A; Prohaska, T (2017): Chemische Fingerabdrücke und Nachverfolgbarkeit von Fischen in Ökologie und Lebensmittelkontrolle . Fischereifachtagung Mondsee, Scharfling, Mondsee, NOV 23-24, 2017. In: Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft, Institut für Gewässerökologie, Fischereibiologie und Seenkunde, Abstracts. 166. Irrgeher, J; Dutschke, F; Zimmermann, T; Prohaska, T; Zitek, A; Kleeberg, U; Pröfrock, D (2016): ISOTOPES AS TRACERS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT: SELECTED APPLICATIONS USING SR, PB AND TI ISOTOPE RATIOS ASSESSED BY MC ICP-MS. 12. SYMPOSIUM MASSENSPEKTROMETRISCHE VERFAHREN DER ELEMENTSPURENANALYSE UND 25. ICP-MS ANWENDERTREFFEN, Siegen, SEP 12-15, 2016. In: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie und Department für Chemie und Biologie der Universität Siegen, Book of Abstracts. 165. Irrgeher, J; Prohaska, T; Zitek, A; Kleeberg, U; Erbsloeh, H-B; Karcher, D B; Zimmermann, T; Von der Au, M; Pröfrock, D (2016): Tracing of Nutrients and Pollutants in the German Wadden Sea Catchment via the Establishment of Aquatic Isoscapes . 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie (DGMS), Hamburg, 28 FEB - 02 MAR, 2016. In: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, Proceedings (on USB stick). 164. Irrgeher, J; Prohaska, T; Zitek, A; Kleeberg, U; Erbsloeh, H.-B; Karcher, D.B; Zimmermann, T; Au, M. v.d.; Proefrock, D (2016): Isotopic Tracer Tool for Nutrients and Pollutants in the Marine Ecosystem of the German Wadden Sea. 2016 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, JAN 11 – 16, 2016 , Tucson, Arizona. 163. Irrgeher, J; Prohaska, T; Zitek, A; Kleeberg, U; Zimmermann, T; Proefrock, D (2016): FROM SOURCE TO SINK - ELEMENTAL AND ISOTOPIC DISTRIBUTION MAPS IN THE GERMAN WADDEN SEA CATCHMENT. International Conference Series on Environmental and Food Monitoring - Outstanding Solutions for a Better Life - ISEAC 39 , Hamburg, JUL 19 - 22, 2016. In: International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (ISAEC), Book of Abstracts. 162. Kerti-Badak, K; Németh, S; Zitek, A; Firtha, F (2016): Hyperspectral checking of fructose content in marzipan. 1st International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering, Budapest, 08.12.2016. In: Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary, Book of Abstracts. 161. Poppe, M; Böck, K; Loach, A; Scheikl, S; Zitek, A; Heidenreich, A; Kurz-Aigner, R; Schrittwieser, M; Muhar, S (2016): System understanding as a basis for sustainable decision-making. A science – school collaboration within the Sparkling Science project "Traisen w3". EGU General Assembly , Vienna, APR 17 – 22, 2016. In: EGU, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2016-2787. 160. Poppe, M; Böck, K.; Zitek, A.; Scheikl, S.; Loach, A.;Muhar, S (2016): Young people`s perception of river status and processes in river landscapes as starting point for participatory processes. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Wien, 26.9. - 30.9.2016. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Limnologie der Zukunft. Zukunft der Limnologie, BOKU Wien. 159. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Opper, C; Zitek, A (2016): PROVENANCE OF FOOD BY ELEMENTAL AND ISOTOPIC FINGERPRINTING - FIGHTING FRAUD WITH ANALYTICAL SCIENCE. International Conference Series on Environmental and Food Monitoring - Outstanding Solutions for a Better Life - ISEAC 39 , Hamburg, JUL 19 - 22, 2016. In: International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (ISAEC), Book of Abstracts. 158. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A (2016): How can analytical chemistry serve bioecomomy? Isotoptic tools in support of EU policies. 15th International Symposium: "Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture" , Cluj-Napoca, SEP 29 - OCT 1, 2016. In: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Book of Abstracts (on USB stick). 157. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek; A (2016): Isotopes as Indicators of the Environmental Past. 2016 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Tucson, Arizona, JAN 11 – 16, 2016. 156. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A (2016): Ein Blick auf die Welt aus Sicht der Isotopenforschung. 12. SYMPOSIUM MASSENSPEKTROMETRISCHE VERFAHREN DER ELEMENTSPURENANALYSE UND 25. ICP-MS ANWENDERTREFFEN , Siegen, SEP 12-15, 2016. In: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie und Department für Chemie und Biologie der Universität Siegen , Book of Abstracts. 155. Retzmann, A; Blanz, M; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Feldmann, J; Prohaska T. (2016): MULTI-DIMENSIONAL APPROACH TO EVALUATE THE DIAGENETIC STATUS OF SKELETAL REMAINS WITH RESPECT TO STRONTIUM ISOTOPE RATIO MEASUREMENTS. 4. DocDay, Vienna, 18. Oct. 2016. In: Kompetenzentrum Holz GmbH Wood Materials Technologies, Book of Abstracts. 154. Retzmann, A; Blanz, M; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Feldmann, J; Prohaska, T. (2016): MULTI-DIMENSIONAL APPROACH TO EVALUATE THE DIAGENETIC STATUS OF SKELETAL REMAINS WITH RESPECT TO STRONTIUM ISOTOPE RATIO MEASUREMENTS. 12. SYMPOSIUM MASSENSPEKTROMETRISCHE VERFAHREN DER ELEMENTSPURENANALYSE UND 25. ICP-MS ANWENDERTREFFEN, Siegen, SEP 12-15, 2016. In: DGMS und Universität Siegen, Tagungsband. 153. Sandak, J; Sandak, A; Picchi, G; Böhm, K; Zitek, A; Hinterstoisser; B (2016): NIR spectroscopy as a tool for in-field determination of log/biomass quality index in mountain forests – SLOPE project approach. Workshop: Application of NIR spectroscopy in wood science and technology NIR & WOOD – SOUNDS GOOD! – second edition within the frame of the COST Action FP1407 "Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach (ModWoodLife)" , San Michele all' Adige , APR 19-21, 2016. In: The Italian Society for Near Infrared Spectroscopy - SISNIR, Book of Abstracts, p 32. 152. Tchaikovsky, A; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Opper, C; Scheiber, R; and Prohaska, T (2016): Tracing the origin of the "black gold": Analytical challenges and potential of (MC) ICP-MS for provenancing sturgeon caviar. DocDay, Tulln, AUSTRIA, OKT 18, 2016. In: BiRT, DocDay 2016. 151. Zitek, A. (2016): BOKU Science TV: Web-basiertes mobiles Lehren und Lernen mittels Web-Conferencing, Live streaming und Online Apps. BildungOnline, Hall in Tirol, MAY 3-7, 2016. In: BildungOnline, Online Abstracts. 150. Zitek, A; Böhm, K; Firtha, F; Parrag, V; Hinterstoisser, B (2016): Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging - Background and Aplication for Wood Characterization. 1st International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering, Budapest, 08.12.2016. In: Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary, Book of Abstracts. 149. Zitek, A; Böhm, K; Firtha, F; Parrag, V; Hinterstoisser, B (2016): DETECTION AND SPECTRAL CHARACTERIZATION OF RESIN POCKETS IN SPRUCE BY FTNIR AND NIR HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGING. Workshop: Application of NIR spectroscopy in wood science and technology NIR & WOOD – SOUNDS GOOD! – second edition within the frame of the COST Action FP1407 "Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach (ModWoodLife)", San Michele all' Adige , APR 19-21, 2016. In: The Italian Society for Near Infrared Spectroscopy - SISNIR, Book of Abstracts, p. 20. 148. Zitek, A; Böhm, K; Firtha, F; Parrag, V; Hinterstoisser, B (2016): NEAR INFRARED HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGING – BACKGROUND AND APPLICATION FOR WOOD CHARACTERIZATION. Workshop: Application of NIR spectroscopy in wood science and technology NIR & WOOD – SOUNDS GOOD! – second edition within the frame of the COST Action FP1407 "Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach (ModWoodLife)", San Michele all' Adige , APR 19-21, 2016. In: The Italian Society for Near Infrared Spectroscopy - SISNIR, Book of Abstracts, p 17. 147. Zitek, A; Prohaska, T (2016): LA-ICP-MS of fish otoliths as tool to rpove the indication of the catch and production area according to the EU regulation No 1379/2013. 15th International Symposium: "Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture" , Cluj-Napoca, SEP 29 - OCT 1, 2016. In: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Book of Abstracts (on USB stick). 146. Zitek, A; Prohaska, T; Michalek, C-R; Hinterstoisser, B (2016): BOKU SCIENCE TV: AN ENGAGING VIRTUAL CLASSROOM FOR REAL-TIME TEACHING AND COLLABORATION BASED ON LIVE-STREAMING, VIDEOCONFERENCING AND ONLINE APPS. EDULEARN16, the 8th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, JUL 4-6, 2016. In: IATED, EDULEARN16 Proceedings, USB Flash drive. 145. Zitek, A; Tchaikovsky, A; Opper, C; Diesner, M; Sarne, J; Pajkic, D; Höfer; S; Prohaska, T (2016): Implementing multi-element and isotopic fingerprinting as tool for food authentication in Austria: scientific background, potential and relevant legal aspects. FOODINTEGRITY 2016 Conference, Prague, APR 6-7, 2016. In: University of Chemistry and Technology Prague & FOODINTEGRITY, Program & Book of Abstracts, P28, 110 pp; ISBN: 978-80-7080-956-3. 144. Draxler, J; Zitek, A; Meischel, M; Stanzl-Tschegg, S; Mingler, B; Martinelli; E; Weinberg, A; Santner, J; Prohaska, T (2015): Chemical imaging of the elemental degradation behavior of biodegradable Mg alloys in mineralized bone tissue by LA-ICP-MS. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Münster, FEB 22-26, 2015. In: European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA), Book of Abstracts. 143. Draxler, J; Zitek, A; Meischel, M; Stanzl-Tschegg, SE; Mingler, B; Martinelli, E; Weinberg, A; Prohaska, T (2015): Regionalized quantitative determination of the spatial distribution of biodegradable Mg alloys in mineralized bone tissue by LA-ICP-MS. 11th ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum, Innsbruck, JUN 12-13, 2015. In: CCB Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine, Abstract Booklet. 142. Irrgeher, J; Proefrock, D; Prohaska, T; Zitek, A; Prange, A (2015): Development of a Multi-Isotope Tracer Tool for Aquatic Ecosystems on the Example of the German Wadden Sea. Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, AUG 16-21, 2015. In: Goldschmidt 2015, Abstracts on USB. 141. Irrgeher, J; Teschler-Nicola, M; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T (2015): Sr Isotopes as Tracers in Archaeological Sciences. Isotopes 2015 - Isotope effects across disciplines, Jerusalem, Israel, JUN 21-26, 2015. In: Hebrew University, Book of Abstracts. 140. Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T (2015): 'Isotope pattern deconvolution' – a key tool for isotope ratio data evaluation of natural and enriched isotope mixtures. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Münster, FEB 22-26, 2015. In: European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA), Book of Abstracts. 139. Oehm, J; Irrgeher, J; Tchaikovsky, A; Thalinger, B; Traugott, M; Prohaska, T; Zitek, A (2015): Provenancing fish in freshwaters of the Alpine Foreland using Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in otoliths and otolith shape parameters. XV European Congress of Ichthyology., Porto, SEP 7 - 11, 2015. In: Front. Mar. Sci., Conference Abstract, doi: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2015.03.00211. 138. Poppe, M; Zitek, A; Böck, K; Scheikl, S; Heidenreich, A; Kurz-Aigner, R; Schrittwieser, M; Muhar, S (2015): The enhancement of environmental literacy of High School students within the Sparkling Science project "Traisen w3". EGU General Assembly 2015, Wien, APR 12 – 17, 2015. In: EGU, Geophysical Research Abstracts, , Vol. 17, EGU2015-4868, 2015. 137. Prohaska, T; Draxler, J; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A (2015): Simultaneous chemical imaging of the elemental and isotopic distribution in biological hard tissues by LA-ICP-MS. 18. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Vienna, JUL 6-8, 2015. In: TU Wien, Book of Abstracts. 136. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Draxler, J; Zitek, A (2015): Analysis of spatially resolved isotopic images assessed by LA-ICP-MS by using isotope pattern deconvolution and data reduction by means of ArcGIS. Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, AUG 16-21, 2015. In: Goldschmidt 2015, Abstracts on USB. 135. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Draxler, J; Zitek, A (2015): Spiking, marking and tracing – Isotopic tools as specific monitors and markers of elemental fluxes. Isotopes 2015 - Isotope effects across disciplines, Jerusalem, Israel, JUN 21-26, 2015. In: Hebrew University, Book of Abstracts. 134. Prohaska, T, Irrgeher, J; Teschler-Nicola, M; Zitek, A (2015): Sr Isotopes as Tracers. in Archaeological Sciences. Geoanalysis - The 9th International Conference on the Analysis of Geological and Environmental Materials, Leoben, AUG 09-14, 2015. In: Montanuniversität Leoben, Abstract Volume, pp. 13. 133. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A (2015): Traceability of food and agricultural products. 14th International Symposium: Prospects for the Third Millennium Agriculture, Cluj-Napoca, SEP 24-26, 2015. In: USAMV, Book of Abstracts 132. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Huemer, C; Novotny, F; Spannagl-Steiner, M; Teschler-Nicola, M (2015): Tracing Mobility in the Early Medieval Settlement of Thunau/Kamp by Strontium Isotope Ratios in Human and Animal Remains Via Regional Isoscapes and Nutritional Sources. UK Archaeological Science Conference (UKAS 2015), Durham, UNITED KINGDOM, APR 8-11, 2015. In: Durham University, Book of Abstracts, 70. 131. Prohaska, T; Tchaikovsky, A; Irrgeher,J; Zitek, A (2015): Traceability of Food and Agricultural Products in the Danube Catchment. 6 th CASEE conference "Latest Trends in Bioeconomy in Danube Region" , Nitra, Slovak Republic, MAY 24–26, 2015. In: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Book of Abstracts 130. Prohaska, T; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J (2015): Application of isotopes in analytical ecogeochemistry as climate change indicators. Taiwan-Austrian Joint-Seminar: An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues - perspectives for future development, Taipeh, MAR 30 - APR 2, 2015. In: IES, Academia Sinica, Book of Abstracts. 129. Prohaska, T; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J (2015): Isotopen als Indikatoren für die Umweltgeschichte. 68. Minisymposium des Zentrums für Umweltgeschichte - Umweltgeschichte im Dialog, Wien, May 29, 2015. In: ZUG, Online abstract. 128. Retzmann, A., Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Budka, J., Prohaska, T. (2015): Human mobility along the Nile: Preliminary strontium isotope analyses for migration studies in ancient Nubia. 3rd DocDay, Tulln, AUSTRIA, OCT 13, 2015. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Book of Abstracts. 127. Retzmann, A., Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Budka, J., Prohaska, T. (2015): HUMAN MOBILITY ALONG THE NILE: PRELIMINARY STRONTIUM ISOTOPE ANALYSES FOR MIGRATION STUDIES IN ANCIENT NUBIA . 14th Austrian Stable Isotope User Group Meeting, Tulln, AUSTRIA, Nov 26-27, 2015. In: Wyhlidal, S., Watzinger, A., Hood-Nowotny, R., Prohaska, T., (eds), 14th Austrian Stable isotope user group meeting, Austrian Institute of Technology, p. 32, Tulln/Donau, 2015. 126. Sittenthaler, M; Wanek, W; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T; Parz-Gollner, R; Hackländer, K (2015): Using stable isotopes to study feeding ecology of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in freshwater habitats: preliminary results. IUCN European Otter Workshop, Stockholm, SWEDEN, JUN 8-11, 2015. In: IUCN Otter Specialist Group, Book of Abstracts. 125. Tchaikovsky, A; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Opper, C; Sarne, J; Diesner, M; Scheiber, R; and Prohaska, T (2015): Elemental and 87Sr/86Sr isotope pattern as a tool for provenancing sturgeon caviar. 3rd DocDay, Tulln, AUSTRIA, OCT 13, 2015. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Book of Abstracts. 124. Tchaikovsky, A; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Opper, C; Sarne, J; Diesner, M; Scheiber, R; and Prohaska, T (2015): Elemental and 87Sr/86Sr isotope pattern as a tool for provenancing sturgeon caviar. 14th SINA Meeting 2015 , Tulln, AUSTRIA, NOV 26-27, 2015. In: SINA, Stable Isotope Network Austria, Book of Abstracts. 123. Tchaikovsky, A; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Opper, C; Sarne, J; Scheiber, R; Prohaska, T (2015): 87Sr/86Sr isotope pattern as a tool for provenancing of sturgeon caviar. 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2015), Prague, NOV 3-6, 2015. In: University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague), Book of Abstracts. 122. Tchaikovsky, A; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Prohaska, T (2015): Elemental and isotopic map of the Danube" - Analysis of the elemental composition and 87Sr/86Sr from source to mouth using (MC) ICP-MS. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Münster, FEB 22-26, 2015. In: European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA), Book of Abstracts. 121. Zitek, A (2015): Unterricht - einmal online: online arbeiten mit dem Pannoneum im Burgendland. BildungOnline, Hall in Tirol, AUSTRIA, MAY 12-13, 2015. In: BildungOnline, Online Abstracts. 120. Zitek, A; Draxler, J; Meischel, M; Rudel, B; Grillmayer, R; Irrgeher, J; Prohaska, T (2015): Improving the spatial analysis and interpretation of LA-ICPMS data by the application of GIS methods - considerations on achievable spatial resolution, uncertainties and multilayer interpretation. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Münster, FEB 22-26, 2015. In: European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA), Book of Abstracts. 119. Zitek, A., Firtha, F., Böhm, K., Parrag, V., Sandak, J., Hinterstoisser, B. (2015): Inspection of log quality by hyperspectral imaging. Interdepartmental Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging, Tulln, MAR 20, 2015. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Interdepartmental Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging - Book of Abstracts, 21. 118.Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Kirchmaier, L; Oehm, J; Tchaikovsky, A; Retzmann, A; Prohaska, T (2015): Elemental and isotopic composition of different hard parts of freshwater fish: background and applications. 14th International Symposium: Prospects for the Third Millennium Agriculture, Cluj-Napoca, SEP 24-26, 2015. In: USAMV, Book of Abstracts. 117. Zitek, A; Prohaska, T (2015): Historical hard parts of aquatic animals and their potential to reconstruct past climate and food webs. Taiwan-Austrian Joint-Seminar: An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues - perspectives for future development, Taipeh, MAR 30 - APR 2, 2015. In: IES, Academia Sinica, Book of Abstracts. 116. Zitek, A; Prohaska, T. (2015): The wooden mass spec. BildungOnline 2015, Hall in Tirol, AUSTRIA, MAY 12-13, 2015. In: BildungOnline, Online Abstracts. 115. Zitek, A; Prohaska, T. (2015): BOKU Science TV e-learning. BildungOnline 2015, Hall in Tirol, AUSTRIA, MAY 12-13, 2015. In: BildungOnline, Online Abstracts. 114. Zitek, A; Tchaikovsky, A; Opper, C; Diesner, M; Prohaska, T. (2015): CSI:TRACE your FOOD! SchülerInnen des Franziskanergymnasiums Hall i. T. auf der Spur heimischer Lebensmittel anhand des Multielement- und Isotopenfingerabdrucks. BildungOnline 2015, Hall in Tirol, AUSTRIA, MAY 12-13. In: BildungOnline, Online abstracts. 113. Zitek, A; Tchaikovsky, A; Opper, C; Diesner, M; Prohaska, T. (2015): Classroom-Science-Interaction CSI: TRACE your FOOD! Determination of provenance of food from regional production in Austria on the basis of multi-element and strontium isotopic fingerprinting. 6 th CASEE conference "Latest Trends in Bioeconomy in Danube Region" , Nitra, Slovak Republic, MAY 24–26, 2015. In: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Book of Abstracts. 112. Zitek, A., Mayrhofer, B., Oehm, J., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2014): Affordable 3D scanning of small otoliths for improved shape analysis by photogrammetry techniques. 5th International Otolith Symposium 2014 (IOS2014), Mallorca, OCT 20-24, 2014. In: ICES/CIEM, Book of Abstracts, 287. 111. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2014): Transgenerational marking of freshwater fish otoliths using enriched stable Sr isotopes. 5th International Otolith Symposium 2014 (IOS2014), Mallorca, OCT 20-24, 2014. In: ICES/CIEM, Book of Abstracts, 247. 110. Zitek, A; Firtha, F; Böhm, K; Parrag, V; Sandak, J; Hinterstoisser, B (2014): Inspection of log quality by hyperspectral imaging. Fifth IASIM conference in spectral Imaging, IASIM-14, Rome, DEC 3-5, 2014. In: IASIM, Book of Abstracts, on USB stick. 109. Zitek, A. (2014): Forschungsprojekt: Bedeutung von Fischschutz und Fischabstieg für potamodrome Fischarten. ÖWAV Tagung Wasserkraft und Ökologie: Wiederverleihung, Fische und Sedimente, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA, 12.11.2014. In: Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband, Tagungsband: ÖWAV Tagung Wasserkraft und Ökologie: Wiederverleihung, Fische und Sedimente, 12.11.2014, Innsbruck, Österreich. 108. Thomas Prohaska, Andreas Zitek, Johanna Irrgeher, Monika Horsky, Ondrej Hanousek (2014): Application of non traditional isotopes in analytical ecogeochemistry. Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Amelia Island, JAN 06, 2014. In: Ramon Barnes, Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry. 107. Tchaikovsky, A., Zitek, A. Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2014): Elemental and isotopic map of the Danube: Analysis of the elemental composition and 87Sr/86Sr from source to mouth using (MC) ICP-MS. DocDay Tulln, Tulln, Austria, 16.10.2014. In: BOKU, Abstractband. 106. Tchaikovsky, A., Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2014): ‚Element- und Isotopenlandkarte Donau' – Analyse von Elementgehalt und 87Sr/86Sr von der Quelle bis zur Mündung mittels (MC) ICP-MS. 24. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen , Geesthacht, SEP 15-18, 2014. In: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung, Abstractband, S. 51. 105. Tchaikovsky, A., Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2014): Danube catchment water chemistry monitoring - elemental composition analysis from source to mouth using ICP-MS. 10th ASAC Junganalytikerinnenforum, Tulln, Austria, JUN 13-14, 2014. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,, Vienna (BOKU), Department of Chemistry, Division of Analytical Chemistry, - VIRIS laboratory, Book of Abstracts, 61. 104. Tchaikovsky, A., Zitek, A., Congiu, L. and Prohaska, T. (2014): Advanced analytical methods for caviar provenancing- Using Sr isotopes, elemental pattern and genetics. 7th International Sturgeon Conference, Warsaw, Nov, 26. In: Aller Aqua (Eds.), Book of Abstracts. 103. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Opper, T; Bonnet, S; Tchaikovsky, A (2014): Food provenance by elemental and isotopic fingerprint methods. IAEA - International Symposium on Food Safety and Quality: Applications of Nuclear and Related Techniques, Vienna, NOV 10-13, 2014. In: IAEA, Book of Abstracts. 102. Prohaska, T; Irrgeher, J; Zitek, A; Horsky, M; Teschler-Nicola, M; Reiter, C; (2014): Was ist geschehen? - Antworten auf Fragen von gestern und heute. Anwendung der modernen Isotopenanalytik in der FORENSIK und ARCHÄOMETRIE. 24. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Geesthacht, SEP 15-18, 2014. In: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung, 24. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen - Abstractband. 101. Oehm, J; Zitek, A; Irrgeher J; Tchaikovsky, A; Thalinger, B; Prohaska, T; Traugott, M (2014): The spatial side of birds' feeding ecology: determining where cormorants take their prey by provenancing fish otoliths. British Ornithologist's Union Conference, Peterborough, UK, NOV 19, 2014] In: BOU, Poster Abstracts. 100. Oehm, J; Zitek, A; Irrgeher, J; Tchaikovsky, A; Thalinger, B; Prohaska, T; Traugott, M (2014): Determining the feeding range of cormorants by elemental and isotopic provenancing of prey fish. 13th Austrian Stable Isotope User Group Meeting (SINA), Innsbruck, NOV 21-22, 2014. In: Universität Innsbruck, Abstractband. 99. Oehm, J., Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Tchaikovsky, A., Thalinger, B., Prohaska, T., Traugott, M. (2014): Determining the hunting grounds of the Great Cormorant by otolith shape and chemistry. 5th International Otolith Symposium 2014 (IOS2014), Mallorca, OCT 20-24, 2014. In: ICES/CIEM, Book of Abstracts, 103. 98. Oehm, J; Thalinger, B; Manzl, L; Breitschopf, C; Steinmetz, S; Fenkart, G; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T; Traugott, M (2014): What fish do Cormorants eat in Alpine foreland freshwaters?. 9th International Conference on Cormorants, Osijek, APR 24-25, 2014. In: J. J. Strossmayer University, Book of Abstracts. 97. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Prohaska, T. (2014): Sr isotope pattern deconvolution of LA-MC ICP-MS data to detect individual-specific transgenerational marks in freshwater fish otoliths. 5th International Otolith Symposium 2014 (IOS2014), Mallorca, OCT 20-24, 2014. In: ICES/CIEM, Book of Abstracts, 202. 96. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Prohaska, T. (2014): Isotope pattern deconvolution": ein fundamentales Werkzeug zur Datenevaluierung bei Isotopen-Tracerstudien. 24. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen , Geesthacht, SEP 15-18, 2014. In: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung, Abstractband, S. 50. 95. Ihuț, A. Zitek, A., Weiss, S., Ratschan, C., Kaufmann, T., Holzer, G., Cocan, D., Constantinescu, R., Mireşan, V. (2014): Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) in Central and South Eastern Europe: A review for the development of an international program for the rehabilitation and conservation of Danube salmon populations. The 13th International Symposium of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca "Prospects for the Third Millennium Agriculture", Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA, SEP 25-27, 2014. In: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca , Book of Abstracts. 94. Gessner, J; Bronzi, P; Zitek, A; Comoglio, P (2014): Overcoming river fragmentation - The need for harmonized and standardized procedures to operate and monitor fish passage in large river systems: the case of sturgeons. Riverine LIFE Platform Meeting: Strengthening populations of fish and other species through re-introduction, removal of barriers and habitats conservation , Tartu, Estonia, SEPT 10-12 2014. In: European Commission and Wildlife Estonia, Presentations online (http://www.loodushoid.ee/Ettekandedpresentations_507.htm). 93. Gangl, S., Irrgeher, J., Teschler-Nicola, M., Zitek, A., Prohaska, T. (2014): Autochthony in the Early Medieval Settlement of Thunau/Kamp? A question explored by 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios using MC ICP-MS. 10th ASAC Junganalytikerinnenforum , Tulln, Austria, JUN 13-14, 2014. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,, Vienna (BOKU), Department of Chemistry, Division of Analytical Chemistry, - VIRIS laboratory, Book of Abstracts, 14. 92. Draxler, J., Zitek, A., Tschegg, S., Mingler, B., Weinberg, A., Prohaska, T. (2014): Mass spectrometric imaging - Quantification strategies for created bio-images measured by LA-ICP-MS. 10th ASAC Junganalytikerinnenforum, Tulln, Austria, JUN 13-14, 2014. In: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,, Vienna (BOKU), Department of Chemistry, Division of Analytical Chemistry, - VIRIS laboratory, Book of Abstracts, 51. 91. Draxler, J., Zitek, A., Tschegg, S., Mingler, B., Weinberg, A., Prohaska, T.(2014): Mass spectrometric imaging - Quantification strategies for created bio-images measured by LA-ICP-MS. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-3413. 90. Poppe, M.; Zitek, A.; Scheikl, S.; Heidenreich, A.; Kurz, R.; Schrittwieser, M.; Muhar, S.(2014): Learning effects of active involvement of secondary school students in scientific research within the Sparkling Science project "FlussAu:WOW!". In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-4165-1. 89. Prohaska, T., Irrgeher, J., Horsky, M., Hanousek, O., Zitek, A.(2014): Non-traditional isotopes in analytical ecogeochemistry assessed by MC-ICP-MS. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-2344. 88. Tchaikovsky, A., Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T.(2014): Danube catchment water chemistry monitoring - elemental pattern determination from source to mouth using ICP-MS. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-7947. 87. Zitek, A.(2014): Fish passage design at cross-river obstacles – experiences from different countries, with potential relevance to Mongolia. In: Taimen Conservation Fund, Abstract and 8 presentations as pdf. 86. Zitek, A.(2014): From ecology to fish pass design and monitoring to population modelling for sturgeons in the lower Danube. In: FAO/DDNI, Abstract and presentation on USB stick 85. Zitek, A., Tchaikovsky, A., Irrgeher, J., Waidbacher, H., Prohaska, T.(2014): The 87Sr/86Sr aquatic isoscape of the Danube catchment from the source to the mouth as tool for studying fish migrations. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-2764. 84. Zitek, A.(2013): Fischabstieg/Fischschutz. Fachtagung "Wasserkraft - Quo vadis NGP?, Wien, 26.11.2013 In: Österreichs Energie, Tagungsunterlagen mit ausgedruckten Vortragsfolien. 83. Zitek, A.(2013): Principles of improved fish passage at cross-river obstacles, with relevance to China. FAO/IHE Workshop „ Principles of improved fish passage at cross-river obstacles, with relevance to China“ , Wuhan, China, OCT 22-25, 2013. In: Institute of Hydroecology, Ministry of Water Resouces and Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHE), Abstract and 8 presentations as pdf. 82. Scheikl, S., Poppe, M., Preis, S., Zitek, A., Muhar, S.(2013): The Young People of Today are the Stakeholders of Tomorrow – the Potential of Integrating Youth into Applied River Landscape Research. In: RESTORE and ECCR, Proceedings of the 5th European River Restoration Conference, Vienna, 11.-13.09.2013. 81. Draxler, J., Zitek, A., Tschegg, S., Mingler, B., Weinberg, A. and Prohaska, T. (2013): Investigation of degradation products of novel implant materials used in orthopaedic trauma - Chemical Imaging by LA-ICP-MS. DocDay Tulln , Tulln, Oct 10. 80. Tchaikovsky, A., Zitek, A., Prohaska, T. (2013): Advanced analytical methods for caviar provenancing using Sr isotopes and elemental patterns. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP BIOLOGICAL AND HYDRAULIC BASIS OF FISH FREE PASSAGE IN REGULATED RIVERS, Moscow – Krasnodar, Russia, SEPT 16-21, 2013. In: RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, A.N. SEVERTSOV INSTITUTE OF ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION (IPEE RAS), Abstracts distributed to participants, also translated to Russian language 79. Zitek, A. (2013): FAO Pre-project “Re-establishing sustainable sturgeon fisheries across Europe”. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP BIOLOGICAL AND HYDRAULIC BASIS OF FISH FREE PASSAGE IN REGULATED RIVERS, Moscow – Krasnodar, Russia, SEPT 16-21, 2013. In: RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, A.N. SEVERTSOV INSTITUTE OF ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION (IPEE RAS), Abstracts distributed to participants, also translated to Russian language 78. Zitek, A. (2013): EIFAAC Project on “Development of Guidelines on the design of nature-like passes”. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP BIOLOGICAL AND HYDRAULIC BASIS OF FISH FREE PASSAGE IN REGULATED RIVERS, Moscow – Krasnodar, Russia, SEPT 16-21, 2013. In: RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, A.N. SEVERTSOV INSTITUTE OF ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION (IPEE RAS), Abstracts distributed to participants, also translated to Russian language 77. Zitek, A., Haunschmid, R., Ratschan, C., Vogl, R. (2013): Simulating the effects of hydropower dams on potamodromous fish populations with a special focus on downstream migration in river systems affected by multiple human pressures. In: RESTORE and ECCR, Proceedings of the 5th European River Restoration Conference Vienna, 11.-13.09.2013. 76. Irrgeher, J., Galler, P., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M. and Prohaska, T. (2013): Sr isotope ratios in calcium-rich matrices by (LA)-MC-ICPMS: An ongoing challenge. Proceedings of the European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2013, Krakow, Feb. 10-15. 75. Kirchmaier, L, Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T., Zitek, A. (2013): Comparison of the elemental composition of different hard parts (otoliths, scales, fin rays, vertebrae and eye lenses) of freshwater fish using ICPMS. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-4751 [Poster], European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2013 , Vienna, Austria, 07 - 12 April 2013. 74. Prohaska, T. Irrgeher, J., Horsky, M., Zitek, A. (2013): The potential of isoscapes and isozones of non traditional isotopes in analytical ecogeochemistry. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-11802, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2013 , Vienna, Austria, 07 - 12 April 2013. 73. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Horsky, M., Kletzl, M., Weismann, T., Prohaska, T.(2013): Transgenerational isotopic marking of carp Cyprinus carpio L. using a 86Sr/84Sr double spike. [European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry , Krakow, Poland, Feb. 10-15] In: EWCPS, Abstracts on USB stick, 72. Prohaska, T., Irrgeher, J., Kappel, S., Horsky, M., Koffler , D., Laaha, G., Leisch, F. and Zitek, A. (2013): The potential of isotopic research in analytical ecogeochemistry. Proceedings of the European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2013, Krakow, Feb. 10-15. 71. Zitek, A. (2013): Principles of Improved Fish Passage at Cross-river Obstacles, with Relevance to Southeast Asia. In: FAO/SEAFDEC, Proceedings of the Workshop on Fish Passage in Southeast Asia: Principles of Improved Fish Passage at Cross-river obstacles, with relevance to Southeast Asia, 8 presentations on CD, Workshop on Fish Passage in Southeast Asia, Khon Kaen, Mar 16 - 21, 2013. 70. Zitek, A., Cervicek, M., Irrgeher, J., Horsky, M., Kletzl, M., Weismann, T., Prohaska, T. (2013): Transgenerational isotopic marking of carp Cyprinus carpio, L. using a 86Sr /84Sr double spike. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-3540, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07 - 12 April 2013. 69. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2013): Herkunftsbestimmung bei Fisch mittels Isotopenfingerabdruck . In: BIO Austria, Tagungsbeiträge auf USB stick, BIO AUSTRIA Bauerntage, Wels, Schloß Puchberg, AUSTRIA, JAN 28-30, 2013. 68. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Huber, R., Prohaska, T. (2012): Isotopic and elemental composition of different hard parts of fish and their ecogeochemical application. In: Division of Analytical Chemistry, Department for Chemistry, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Book of Abstracts: Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry - Joint seminar, 19, Tulln an der Donau, Österreich, 17.-20.09.2012. 67. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., You, C.-F., Chung, C.-H., Liu, H.-C., Prohaska, T. (2012): Stable Sr isotope fractionation in biological and geological samples from an Alpine biosphere reserve: effects of metabolic processes and weathering. In: Division of Analytical Chemistry, Department for Chemistry, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Book of Abstracts: Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry - Joint seminar, 9, Tulln an der Donau, Österreich, 17.-20.09.2012. 66. Cervicek, M., Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2012): Transgenerationales Markieren von Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) mittels eines Strontium-Isotopen -Doppelspikes. In: Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T., Abstractband: 23. ICPMS Anwendertreffen und 10. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren Elementspurenanalyse 2012, 32, Tulln an der Donau, Österreich, 10.-12.09.2012. 65. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prohaska, T. (2012): Sr-Isotopenverhältnis-Messungen in calciumreichen Probenmatrizes mittels LA-MC-ICPMS. In: Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T., Abstractband: 23. ICPMS Anwendertreffen und 10. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren Elementspurenanalyse 2012, 11, Tulln an der Donau, Österreich, 10.-12.09.2012. 64. Kendlbacher, F., Zitek, A., Waidbacher, H., Prohaska, T. (2012): Herkunftsbestimmung von Fischen aus Flusssystemen mit Hilfe von Element- und Isotopenbestimmung Gehörsteinen (Otolithen). In: Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T., Abstractband: 23. ICPMS Anwendertreffen und 10. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren Elementspurenanalyse 2012, 37, Tulln an der Donau, Österreich, 10.-12.09.2012. 63. Zitek, A., Pacher, K., Honsig-Erlenburg, W., Schmutz, S. (2012): Attraction and passage efficiency of a fish pass within a chain of impoundments at the river Drau, Viellach, Austria. Short paper in: Helmut Mader & Julia Kraml (Eds.), 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012 Proceedings, Vienna, 17-21 September. (Full paper) 62. Zitek, A., Wimmer, H., Kaufmann, T. (2012): The potential of a video systems to monitor fish migrations at fish passes at the river Danube, Austria. In: Helmut Mader & Julia Kraml (Eds.), 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012 Proceedings, Vienna, 17-21 September. 61. Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., Noble, R., Zitek, A., Souza, A. (2012): Qualitative Model Patterns: a Toolkit for Learning by Modelling. in: Institute for Creative Technologies in Playa Vista, California, USA, QR 2012 - 26th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning , http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/papers/Files/qr-workshops/QR2012/late-breaking/late-breaking-2.pdf, Institute for Creative Technologies in Playa Vista, California, USA, July 16th to 18th 2012. (Extended abstract) 60. Irrgeher, J., Galler, P., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prohaska, T. (2012): 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratio Measurements of Calcium-rich matrices by (Laser Ablation)-Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry: A Survey on Mass Discrimination and Matrix-Induced Interferences. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2012-5923. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 – 27 April 2012. 59. Irrgeher, J., Galler, P., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prohaska, T. (2012): Sr isotopic investigations of calcium-rich matrices by LA-MC-ICPMS. In: Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry, Conference Proceedings (USB stick), Session 17c. Laser Ablation ICPMS for trace-element, isotope and imaging applications in geochemistry. 22nd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Kanada, 24-29 June 2012. 58. Prohaska, T., Horsky, M., Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Schulze-Koenig, T., Walcyk, T. (2012): Chemical imaging of isotopic spikes in hard tissues using LA-ICPMS. In: Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry, Conference Proceedings (USB stick), Session 17c. Laser Ablation ICPMS for trace-element, isotope and imaging applications in geochemistry. 22nd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Kanada, 24-29 June 2012. 57. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Kappel, S., Kendlbacher, F., Prohaska, T. (2012): Temporal resolution of LA-ICPMS analyses of fish hard parts. In: Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry, Conference Proceedings (USB stick), Session 17c. Laser Ablation ICPMS for trace-element, isotope and imaging applications in geochemistry. 22nd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada, 24-29 June 2012. 56. Irrgeher, J., Galler, P., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prohaska, T. (2012): 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratio Measurements of Calcium-rich matrices by (Laser Ablation)-Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry: A Survey on Mass Discrimination and Matrix-Induced Interferences. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2012-5923. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 – 27 April 2012. 55. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Sailer, K., Trautwein, C., Waidbacher, H., Prohaska, T. (2012): The applicability of an 87Sr/86Sr river isoscape to fish ecological questions in the Danube catchment. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2012-10694. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 – 27 April 2012. 54. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Sailer, K., Trautwein, C., Kralik, M., Waidbacher, H., Hein, T., Prohaska, T. (2011): Isoscapes - a powerful tool for the management of large river systems. In: National Cheng Kung University, Conference Book - XI Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, IGL International Symposium 2011, Nov 14-17 Tainan, Taiwan, 19 53. Oehm, J., Thalinger, B., Traugott, M., Zitek, A., Prohaska, T. (2011): Revealing feeding grounds of cormorants by analysing their prey remains. In: National Cheng Kung University, , Conference Book - XI Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, IGL International Symposium 2011, Nov 14-17 Tainan, Taiwan, 29 52. Melcher A.H., Kremser H., Zitek A., Wolter C, Schulze T., Muhar S., Feld C., Schmutz S. (2011): Meta-analyses of rehabilitation projects to improve riverine fish populations. In: North American Benthological Society, Proceedings of the North American Benthological Society (NABS) Annual Meeting May 22 – 26, 2011 51. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prohaska, T. (2011): The use of strontium isotopes as indicator of migration and mobility. In: National Cheng Kung University, Conference Book - XI Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry, IGL International Symposium 2011, Nov 14-17 Tainan, Taiwan , 27. 50. Poppe M., Zitek A., Stelzhammer M., Bredeweg B., Muhar S. (2011): How can we increase causal and structural system understanding in environmental science? First evaluation results of a conceptual modelling software (DynaLearn) in Austria. In: EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13, EGU2011-5725. 49. Prohaska, T., Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Walczyck, T., Schulze, T., Teschler-Nicola, M. (2011): Tracing and spiking. In: GEAS, IUCA and University of Zaragoza (Eds.), Book of abstracts - European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Jan 30 - Feb 4, 2011, Zaragoza, Spain, Chapter Isotopic analysis, OC - 36, 98. 48. Sailer, K., Zitek, A., Waidbacher, H., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T. (2011): The potential of microchemical information in fish hard parts to study origin and migration in the Austrian Danube catchment. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-8776. 47. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Jagsch, A., Kletzl, M., Weisman, T., Prohaska, T. (2011): Transgenerational marking of a freshwater fish species, Salmo trutta f.f., using an enriched 84Sr spike solution. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-1345. 46. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Sailer, K., Trautwein, C., Kralik, M., Waidbacher, H., Hein, T., Prohaska, T. (2011): Isoscapes - a powerful tool for the management of large river systems. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D., Conference Abstract Book of the International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers, 11.-14. April 2011, Vienna, Austria, 109. 45. Zitek, A., Noble, R., Poppe, M., Stelzhammer, M., Muhar S., Bredeweg, B. (2011): Enabling causal systems understanding using a conceptual modelling workbench (invited presentation). In: North American Benthological Society, Proceedings of the North American Benthological Society (NABS) Annual Meeting May 22 – 26, 2011, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. 44. Zitek, A., Poppe, M., Stelzhammer, M., Jung, A., Zacharias, M., Muhar, S. (2011): Educating river managers of the future by teaching conceptual systems understanding. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D., Conference Abstract Book of the International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers, 11.-14. April 2011, Vienna, Austria, 399. 43. Zitek, A., Jäger, P., Zeiringer, B. (2011): A Water Framework Directive (WFD) compliant determination of ecologically acceptable flows for Alpine Rivers in Austria. In: Civiltà dell'Acqua - Centro Internazionale, Abstracts of the International Conference of Green Energy and Sustainable Development in the Alps, Trento, Italy, 27.02.-28.02.2011. 42. Prohaska, T., Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M. (2010): Sr an element shows the way Applications of Sr isotopes for provenance, tracing and migration. In: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 13-17 Dec. 2010, Abstract V53D-01. 41. Zitek A., Poppe, M., Stelzhammer, M., Jung, A., Zacharias, M., Muhar S. (2010): A new curriculum for teaching conceptual systems understanding of river catchments. In: Ghent University, Belgium, Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Ecological Informatics, Ghent, 13-16 December, 153. 40. Zitek A., Poppe, M., Stelzhammer, M., Jung, A., Zacharias, M., Muhar S. (2010): First evaluations of the effect of the DynaLearn software on conceptual understanding of river catchments. In: Ghent University, Belgium, Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Ecological Informatics, Ghent, 13-16 December, 162-163.. 39. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prohaska, T, (2010): The use of strontium isotopes as indicator of migration and mobility. In: AIT, Hrsg., Workshop proceedings available Online at http://www.ait.ac.at/uploads/media/SINA2010_Posters-pdf_01.pdf. 10th Stable Isotope Network Austria (SINA) Meeting, Seiberstdorf, AT, Nov 25-26, 2010. 38. Irrgeher, J., Zitek, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prohaska, T. (2010): Anwendung von Strontium - Isotopensignaturen für Mobilitäts- und Migrationsstudien . In: Ebner, F; Millahn, K.; Bakker, R.; Gawlick, H.J: and LeGeo (Verein Leobener Geowissenschafter), Book of Abstracts. 37. Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Sturm, M., Brunner,
M., Sailer, K., Altmann, M., Dillinger, B.,Waidbacher, H. and T. Prohaska
(2010): IsoMark - a comprehensive assessment of the potential of isotopes
in hard parts of freshwater fish to determine origin and migratory patterns
using LA-(MC)-ICP-MS. In: Nestler, A. and Berglund, M., Proceedings of
the Third INPAR workshop. Isotopes for improved management of nitrate
pollution in aqueous resources (INPAR). 6th May 2010, Vienna, Environment
Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt GmbH), 16. 30. Zitek, A., Preis, S., Poppe, M. & S. Muhar (2009): Evaluating the potential of Qualitative Reasoning to capture and communicate knowledge on sustainable catchment management. In: Zabkar, J. and Bratko, I. (Eds.), 23rd International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR'09), 22-24 June 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 127-134. 29. Jäger, P., & A. Zitek (2009): Fischwanderhilfen - Kriterien und Standards. In: ÖWAV (Ed), Durchgängigkeit an Fließgewässern: Anforderungen aus Sicht der EU-WRRL - Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis, Seminarband, 07.05.2009, Ybbs, ISBN: 978-3-902084-48-4. 28. Schmutz, S., A. Zitek, M. Jungwirth (2009): Bedeutung der Fischwanderung für die ökologische Funktionsfähigkeit von Gewässern. In: ÖWAV (Ed), Durchgängigkeit an Fließgewässern: Anforderungen aus Sicht der EU-WRRL - Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis, Seminarband, 07.05.2009, Ybbs, ISBN: 978-3-902084-48-4. 27. Zitek, A., Schmutz, S. & M. Jungwirth (2009): Fish Migrations in the Austrian Part of the Danube Catchment: A Summary of 20 Years of Re-Establishment of Connectivity and Monitoring. In: ISE 2009 Organizing Committee, Programme & Abstract Book, 7th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 12.-16.01.2009 Concepcion, Chile, pp. 89-90. 26. Jäger, P., M. Finster, A. Unterweger & A. Zitek (2009): A Comprehensive Assessment of the Effects of Water Abstraction and Hydropeaking on Fish and Macrozoobenthos in an Alpine River Catchment. In: ISE 2009 Organizing Committee, Programme & Abstract Book, 7th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 12.-16.01.2009 Concepcion, Chile, pp. 95. 25. Jäger, P.& A. Zitek (2008): Sondermessprogramm Restwasser/Schwall 2006-2008 Salzburg und Kärnten Konzept, Methodik und Stand der Arbeiten. in: ÖWAV, Schwall und Sunk - Ökologische und energiewirtschaftliche Herausforderungen, Seminarband, 19.11.2008, Wien, 2 pp. (Short paper) 24. Zitek, A., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Schmutz, S. (2008): Evaluating the potential use of the Qualitative Reasoning (QR) software GARP3 for a sustainable catchment management. In: ECCR & CIRF, Proceedings of the 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration in Europe, Venice, Italy, 4th ECCR International Conference on River Restoration, 16.-21.06.2008, Venice, 32. 23. Salles, P., Bredeweg, B., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Zitek, A., Noble, R. (2008): A library of model fragments on sustainability. In: Sànchez-Marrè, M., Béjar, J., Comas, J., Rizzoli, A., Guariso, G. (Eds), Proceedings published on CD, iEMSs 2008: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making - Incorporating the 4th Biennial Meeting of iEMSs, 6.-10.07.2008, Barcelona, Catalonia. 22. Zitek, A., Haidvogl, G., Jungwirth, M., Schmutz, S. (2008): An ecologically-based strategic guideline for restoring the longitudinal connectivity for fish in running waters of Austria . In: ECCR & CIRF, Proceedings of the 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration in Europe, Venice, Italy, 4th ECCR International Conference on River Restoration, 16.-21.06.2008, Venice, 38. 21. Zitek, A., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Schmutz, S. (2008): Evaluating the potential of qualitative reasoning (QR) models to contribute to a sustainable catchment management . In: Sànchez-Marrè, M., Béjar, J., Comas, J., Rizzoli, A., Guariso, G. (Eds.) , Proceedings published on CD, iEMSs 2008: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making - Incorporating the 4th Biennial Meeting of iEMSs, 6.-10.07.2008, Barcelona, Catalonia. 20. Melcher, A., Zitek, A., Muhar, S., Poppe, M., Trautwein, C., Jungwirth, M., Schmutz, S. (2007): Effects of hydropower operation and other pressures on fish in Austrian rivers. MIRR - A Model-Based Instrument for River Restoration in Austria. In: Jowett, I., Biggs, B. (Eds.), Handbook, Abstracts published on CD, 6th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 18.-23.02.07, Christchurch, New Zealand. 19. Zitek A., A. Melcher, S. Muhar, M. Poppe, C. Trautwein, M. Jungwirth, S. Schmutz (2007): M I R R - A Model-Based Instrument for River Restoration in Austria: Approach, model-criteria & scales. In: Jowett, I., Biggs, B. (Eds.), Handbook, , Abstracts published on CD, 6th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 18.-23.02.07, Christchurch, New Zealand. 18. Zitek, A., Kohl, I., Mairamhof, C., Poppe, M., Muhar, S. (2007): Assessing the potential of unstructured geo-data from existing River Management Plans (RMP`s) to support the implementation of the EU-WFD using web-map services (ArcIMS/WMS). In: Strobl, J., Griesebner, G., Car, A., Eds., Geospatial Crossroads@GI_forum: Proceedings of the First Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg, Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg (GI_Forum), July 03-06, 2007, Universität Salzburg, 182-193. 17. Zitek, A., Kohl, I., Mairamhof, C., Poppe, M., Schmutz, S., Muhar, S. (2007): Using unstructured geo-data for the implementation of the EU-Water Framework Directive via web-map services (ArcIMS/WMS). In: Fullerton, K., Paukenerova, E. (Eds.), Abstracts of the 13th EC-GI & GIS Workshop "INSPIRE Time: ESDI for the Environment", 13th EC GI & & GIS Workshop, 04.-06.07.2007, Porto, Portugal, 168-169. 16. Zitek, A., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Schmutz, S. (2007): The riverine landscape Kamp (Austria): an integrative case study for qualitative modeling of sustainable development. in: Price, C. (Ed.), QR07: 21st Annual Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, 27th-29th June 2007, Aberystwyth, U.K. , 212-217. (Short paper) 15. Zitek, A., Schmutz, S., Haidvogl, G., Jungwirth, M. (2007): Prioritizing connectivity restoration measures for fish at the catchment level with regard to the EU-Water Framework Directive (WFD). In: Jowett, I., Biggs, B. (Eds.), Handbook, Abstracts published on CD, 6th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 18.-23.02.07, Christchurch, New Zealand. 14. Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Caldas, A.L.R., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., Zitek, A. (2006): Towards a Structured Approach to Qualitative Modelling. In: Wotawa, F.: Proceedings of the 3rd Model Based Systems Workshop, 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI2006), 28.08. 01.09.2006, Riva del Garda, Italy, 85-93. 13. Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Caldas, A.L.R., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., Zitek, A. (2006): Towards a Structured Approach to Qualitative Modelling. In: Tochtermann, K. and Scharl, A. (Hrsg. / Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo 2006), 6-8 September, 2006, Graz, Austria; Shaker Verlag, 585-586. 12. Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Caldas, A.L.R., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E. and Zitek, A. (2006): Towards a Structured Approach to Qualitative Modelling. In: Dreyfus, M., Jones, M. and Recknagel, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ecological Informatics, Abstract O35, 5th International Conference on Ecological Informatics , 4-6 December 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, US, 54-55 . 11. Melcher, A., A. Zitek, M. Poppe, S. Muhar, M. Jungwirth & S. Schmutz (2006): MIRR A Model-based Instrument for River Restoration in Austria. In: The 10th International Symposium on Regulated Streams (TISORS II) , International Conference on Riverine Hydroecology: Advances in Research and Applications. The 10th International Symposium on Regulated Streams (TISORS II) , 14. - 18.08.2006, Stirling. 10. Nuttle, T., Salles, P., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., Nakova, E., Cioaca, E., Covaliov, S., Noble, R., Zitek, A., Neumann, M., Bouwer, A., Liem, J., Caldas, A.L.R., Bredeweg, B. (2006): Navigating a Landscape of Sustainability Concepts: Towards Progressive Learning Routes within and among Qualitative Reasoning Models.. In: Oprea, M., Sànchez-Marrè, M., Wotawa, F.: Proceedings of the 5th ECAI Workshop on Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (BESAI2006), 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 28.08. 01.09.2006, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2-1 - 2-10. 9. Nuttle,T., Salles, P., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., Nakova, E., Cioaca, E., Covaliov, S., Noble, R., Zitek, A., Neumann, M., Bouwer, A., Liem, J., Caldas, A.L.R., Bredeweg, B. (2006): Navigating a Landscape of Sustainability Concepts: Towards Progressive Learning Routes within and among Qualitative Reasoning Models . In: Tochtermann, K. and Scharl, A. (Hrsg. /Eds), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo 2006), 6-8 September, 2006, Graz, Austria; Shaker Verlag, 585-586. 8. Wiesner C., Jungwirth M., Schmutz S., Unfer G., Zitek A. (2006): Importance of Connectivity in the Danube River Catchment. in: DWA-Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V.: Internationales DWA-Symposium zur Wasserwirtschaft - Durchgängigkeit von Gewässern für die aquatische Fauna, 03.-07. April 2006, Berlin, DWA-Themen, 142-150. (Full paper) 7. Zitek, A., Jungwirth, M., Bauer, T., Kaufmann, T., Schmutz, S. (2006): Re-establishing connectivity in the Danube basin. In: Kroes, M. J., Gough, P., Schollema, P. P., Wanningen, H. (Eds.), From sea to source - Guidance for restoration of fish migration in European Rivers, Interreg IIIC "Community Rivers", 8-10.11.06, Groningen, NL, (http://www.hunzeenaas.nl/content/nieuws/documenten/1182_Guidancefromseatosource.pdf), 93-93. 6. Muhar, S., Unfer, G., Schmutz, S., Jungwirth, M., Zitek, A., Egger, G., Habersack, H. (2005): Erfolgskontrolle bei Flussrevitalisierungen: Beispiele aus Österreich. In: Peter, A., Woolsey, S.: Erfolgskontrolle bei Flussrevitalisierungen, 19.10.2004, EAWAG Kastanienbaum, Schweiz. 5. Zitek A. & S. Schmutz (2005): Efficiency of restoration measures in a fragmented Danube/tributary network. In: L. Füreder, D. Sint, A. Vorauer: International LIFE-Symposium Riverine Landscapes - Restoration, Flood Protection & Conservation, 26.-29.09.05, Breitenwang, Reutte, Tirol, Austria. 4. Wiesner, C., Unfer, G., Zitek, A., Schmutz, S. (2004): Drift of juvenile freshwater fish in late autumn in a Danube tributary. in: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ecohydraulics - Aquatic Habitats: Analysis and Restoration; Madrid, 12.-17. 09.2004, Vol. I, 117-123. (Short paper) 3. Zitek, A., Fleischanderl, D., Unfer, G., Eisner, A., Baumann, N., Hornich, R., Muhar, S., Jungwirth, M. (2004): Ecologically orientated flood control management at a lowland river: Leitbild-orientated measures and their influence on habitat and fish. in: Proceedings of the 10th Kongress - INTERPRAEVENT Riva del Garda, Trient Italy 24. 27.05.04. , xx-xx. (Full paper) 2. Zitek, A., Schmutz, S. (2004): Efficiency of restoration measures in a fragmented Danube/tributary network. in: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ecohydraulics - Aquatic Habitats: Analysis and Restoration Madrid 12.-17. 09.2004 . , xx-xx. (Short paper ) 1. Schachner, O., Zitek, A. (2002): Auffälligkeiten
der Streblichkeit bei Nase (Chondrostoma nasus L.) zur Laichzeit 2002
in der Melk (NÖ, Österreich). in: Wedekind, H. (Hrsg.): Tagung
der Deutschen und Österreichischen Sektion der European Association
of Fish Pathologists (EAFP), 30.09.-2.10.2002, Mondsee, Österreich;
EAFP-Schrift, 2 S., Mondsee. (Full paper) Miscellaneous scientific publications (10) 9. Nuttle, T., P. Salles, B. Bredeweg, E. Cioaca, E. Nakova, R. Noble, A. Zitek (2007): Curriculum for Learning about Sustainable Development Using Qualitative Reasoning. Naturnet-Redime Newsletter 05. 8. Zitek, A., Schmutz, S., Muhar, S., Bredeweg, B., Salles, P. (2007): Evaluation of QR models related to a sustainable catchment management . Naturnet-Redime Newsletter 06. 7. Nuttle, T., A. Bouwer, B. Bredeweg, A. L. Rios Caldas, E. Cioaca, J. Liem, E. Nakova, M. Neumann, R. Noble, P. Salles, Y. Uzunov, E. Varadinova, A. Zitek (2006): Progress in developing cognitive models of sustainability: case studies from European and Brazilian river basins. Naturnet-Redime Newsletter 02. 6. Zitek, A. (2006): Arc Hydro von ESRI und das Management von Fischpopulationen hinsichtlich der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Verfasst im Zuge der Summer school GIS for Water Resources Management an der Fachhochschule Köln, gehalten von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jackson Roehrig. 5. Zitek, A., S. Preis, S. Muhar (2006): Integrated river management and ecology: sustainable development of the River Kamp landscape. Naturnet-Redime Newsletter 03. 4. Zitek, A., Jungwirth, M. (2004): Fischereiliches Managementkonzept für das Projektgebiet des EU-LIFE-Projektes Lebensraum Huchen I: Allgemeine Grundlagen. Institut für Hydrobiologie und Gewässermanagement, BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien. 3. Zitek, A., Jungwirth, M. (2004): Fischereiliches Managementkonzept für das Projektgebiet des EU-LIFE-Projektes Lebensraum Huchen II: Revierbezogene Grundlagen und Maßnahmen. Institut für Hydrobiologie und Gewässermanagement, BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien. 2. Zitek., A. Schnorbach, I. Ollech, J. (2004): Protokoll eines Workshops zum Thema "ZEN und Ökologie". http://www.zen-azi.org/spip.php?article72. 1. Zitek, A. (2000): Homepage zum LIFE Projekt "Lebensraum
Huchen". Auf dieser Hompage wurden in den Jahren 2001 bis 2004 ERSTMALS
IN ÖSTERREICH im Zuge des Monitorings von Fischwanderhilfen die täglichen
Fangzahlen in Zusammenhang mit Wassertemperatur und Abfluss publiziert.
Erreicht wurde dadurch eine intensivere Einbindung der Öffentlichkeit
in das Projekt bzw. die Schaffung einer gemeinsamen Diskussionsbasis vor
Ort bezüglich der Funktionsfähigkeit der Anlagen bzw. der Wanderbiologie
der Fische. Vielen Dank an alle, die unsere Homepage bisher besucht haben! PhD thesis (1) 1. Zitek, A. (2006): Migration processes of riverine fish:
assessment, patterns of downstream migration & restoration. Institute
of Hydrobiology and Aquativ Ecosystem Management, Department Water-Atmosphere-Environment,
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences. Universität
für Bodenkultur Wien. Diploma thesis (1) 1. Zitek, A. (1999): Fischökologische Untersuchung
des Marchfeldkanalsystems im zweiten Jahr nach Flutung mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Drift von Fischlarven. Universität für
Bodenkultur Wien. Master thesis (1) 1. Zitek, A. (2008): Development of a web-based spatial
decision support system (WSDSS) for river restoration: a framework contributing
to the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Austria,
Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg. Learning resources (5) Zitek, A. (2013): Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben - ein angewandter Kurs. Zitek, A., Laaha, G. (2013): SchoolStat - wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Statistik (mit Excel) für Schulen. Stadlbauer, Ch., Zitek, A., Pichler, W., Mandl, S., Prohaska, T. (2013): Bee 'O' Monitor - bees as environmental monitor, (http://viris.boku.ac.at/beeomonitor). Text Zitek, A., Vogl, R. (2013): FishPop 1.0: Virtual fish population simulation model for fragmented river systems, http://www.sustainicum.at/fishpop), Zitek, A., Vogl, R. (2013): SIFIM - Simplified fish-pressure modelling tool, (http://www.sustainicum.at/sifim). |